[Haskell-cafe] data analysis question

Wojtek Narczyński wojtek at power.com.pl
Fri Nov 14 22:49:18 UTC 2014

On 13.11.2014 10:37, Tobias Pflug wrote:
> data RadioStat = {
>                    rStart     :: Integer      -- POSIX time stamp
>                  , rStation   :: Integer      -- index to station map
>                  , rDuration  :: Integer      -- duration in seconds
>                  , rAgent     :: Integer      -- index to agent map 
> ("mobile", "desktop", ..)
>                  , rCountry   :: Integer      -- index to country map 
> ("DE", "CH", ..)
>                  , rArea      :: Integer      -- German geo location info
>                  }
Could you show a sampe record or two? It will be an interesting case to 
calculate now many bits of information there are vs. how many bits will 
Haskell need.


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