[Haskell-cafe] Representing record subtypes, sort of.
James M
jmartin at eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed Nov 12 22:26:49 UTC 2014
A potentially more elegant approach is using existential types.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
class IsFsEntry a where
bar :: a -> String
data FsFile = FsFile
instance IsFsEntry FsFile where
bar _ = "File"
data FsFolder = FsFolder
instance IsFsEntry FsFolder where
bar _ = "Folder"
data FsEntry = forall a . (IsFsEntry a) => MkFsEntry a
On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Jeffrey Brown <jeffbrown.the at gmail.com>
> I am imagining an alternative idiom for heterogeneous treatment in which
> there is a single constructor, but the data type includes an attribute that
> is a dictionary keyed with function names, leading to values that are the
> corresponding code.
> It seems like that would have to be memory-wasteful, duplicating the code
> in every object, since Haskell does not permit pointers to a single code
> source, but maybe I'm wrong about that.
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 12:56 AM, Frank Staals <frank at fstaals.net> wrote:
>> Kannan Goundan <kannan at cakoose.com> writes:
>> > Karl Voelker <karl <at> karlv.net> writes:
>> >
>> >> {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
>> >> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
>> >> {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
>> >> module FS where
>> >>
>> >> type Date = String
>> >>
>> >> data FileKind = FILE | FOLDER
>> >>
>> >> data Entry (k :: FileKind) where
>> >> File :: String -> Date -> Int -> Entry FILE
>> >> Folder :: String -> String -> Entry FOLDER
>> >
>> > This is a little beyond my Haskell knowledge. What would the function
>> > signatures look like? Here are my guesses:
>> >
>> > listFolder :: Path -> [Entry ?]
>> Unfortunately, we cannot have our cake and eat it as well. Entry FILE
>> and Entry FOLDER are now different types, and hence you cannot construct
>> a list containing both. In other words; we cannot really fill in the ?
>> in the type signature (or at least not that I'm aware of). Either we use
>> Either (pun intended): listFolder :: Path -> [Either (Entry FILE) (Entry
>> FOLDER)] or you have to create some existential type around an Entry
>> again, i.e.
>> data SomeEntry where
>> SomeEntry :: Entry k -> SomeEntry
>> listFolder :: Path -> [SomeEntry]
>> You can get the file kind back by pattern matching again.
>> > createFolder :: Path -> Entry FOLDER
>> > createFile :: Path -> Entry FOLDER
>> the second one should produce something of type Entry FILE.
>> > Also, lets say I wanted to just get the "id" fields from a list of
>> `Entry`
>> > values. Can someone help me fill in the blanks here?
>> >
>> > l :: [Entry ?]
>> > let ids = map (?) l
>> This is basically the same issue as before. You cannot construct a list
>> that contains both Entry FILE and Entry FOLDER values. We can use type
>> classes together with the SomeEntry solution above though.
>> ----
>> In general I like the fact that we can use the GADTs to obtain extra
>> type level guarantees. However, working with lists (or other data
>> structures) with them is a crime. I think for that, we need better
>> support for working with hetrogenious collections.
>> --
>> - Frank
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