[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] Haskell FFI Tutorial

Donn Cave donn at avvanta.com
Tue Nov 11 07:38:57 UTC 2014

quoth Evan Laforge <qdunkan at gmail.com>
> If you've ensured that iflag is a C type, then you've avoided the
> problem.  But if, for instance, iflag was a Char, not a CChar, and you
> poke it into a 'char' struct field forgetting to convert to a CChar,
> you'll get memory corruption.  I don't know if it's a common mistake,
> but I sure made it (very infrequently, but once is enough, in fact
> once is even worse), and the compiler won't tell you if you did.  When
> I mentioned it on the list way back when no one responded, so maybe
> other people don't fall into that trap.

Maybe they don't!  I guess it isn't so much about exactly what you were
up to, but for the sake of getting to whether there's an issue here for
the tutorial, I wrote up a little example program, with CChar and Char.
The commented alternatives work as well, at least it looks fine to me.

Notes on this:

- the C struct is { char a; char b; char c; }

- the Haskell T struct uses CChar, and I assert that this is the only
  sane option -- no storable struct for foreign use should ever have
  a field type like Char.

- that means the Storable instance in question is CChar, and it looks
  to me like poke reliably writes exactly one byte in this case,
  whatever value is supplied (I also tried Int.)

- one might very well manage to keep all the poking to t fields in
  the T Storable instance - that's what I'd expect the tutorial
  to focus on.  Not that it makes any great difference, but I'm just
  saying that the "ypoke" function in the example is there purely
  for the purpose of testing that Char/CChar thing you're talking
  about, and would be somewhat outside what I see as core usage.

{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Main (main) where
import Foreign
import Foreign.C

#include "ffipokehsc.h"

data T = T {
	  taflag :: CChar
	, tbflag :: CChar
	, tcflag :: CChar
	deriving Show

instance Storable T where
	sizeOf _ = #size struct t
	alignment _ = alignment (undefined::CDouble)
	peek p = do
		aflag <- (#peek struct t, a) p
		bflag <- (#peek struct t, b) p
		cflag <- (#peek struct t, c) p
		return (T aflag bflag cflag)
	poke p (T aflag bflag cflag) = do
		(#poke struct t, a) p aflag
		(#poke struct t, b) p bflag
		(#poke struct t, c) p cflag

-- ypoke :: CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO T
ypoke :: Char -> Char -> Char -> IO T
ypoke a b c = alloca $ \ tp -> do
	(#poke struct t, a) tp a
	(#poke struct t, b) tp b
	(#poke struct t, c) tp c
	peek tp

-- main = ypoke 97 98 99 >>= print
-- main = ypoke 'a' 'b' 'c' >>= print

tptr :: T -> IO (Ptr T)
tptr t = alloca $ \ pt -> do
	poke pt t
	return pt

main = do
	p <- tptr (T 97 98 99)
	t <- peek p
	print t

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