[Haskell-cafe] IO monads, stream handles, and type inference

Jeffrey Brown jeffbrown.the at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 03:09:57 UTC 2014

In the thread "Precise timing
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/haskell-cafe/sf8W4KBTYqQ>", in
response to something ugly I was doing, Rohan Drape provided the following

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import Sound.OSC

main = withMax $ mapM_ note (cycle [1,1,2])
withMax = withTransport (openUDP "" 9000)
sin0 param val = sendMessage (Message "sin0" [string param,float val])
pause = liftIO . pauseThread . (* 0.1)
note n = do
sin0 "frq" 300
sin0 "amp" 1
pause n
sin0 "amp" 0
pause n

For days I have monkeyed with it, and studied the libraries it imports, and
I  remain sorely confused.

*How can the "a" in "IO a" be a handle?*
Here are two type signatures:
openUDP :: String -> Int -> IO UDP
withTransport :: Transport t => IO t -> Connection t a -> IO a
Rohan's code makes clear that openUDP creates a handle representing the UDP
connection. openUDP's type signature indicates that its output is an "IO
UDP". How can I reconcile those two facts? When I read about the IO type,
all sources seem to indicate that "IO a" represents a value of type "a"
wrapped in an IO context. For instance, when putting Strings to the screen,
one passes around "IO String" values. Until this OSC library, I had never
seen the "a" in "IO a" represent a pipe; it had always represented data to
be passed *through* a pipe.

*Why the long signature?*
When I ask for it, GHC provides the following additional type signatures:
  > :t pause pause :: Double ->
transformers- UDP IO ()
What's up with that?

*What type is note? (and related questions)*
GHCI goes on:
    > :t sin0 sin0 :: (SendOSC m, Real n) => String -> n -> m () > :t note
note :: Double -> transformers-
note calls both sin0 and pause. It appears that note's type signature takes
pause, but not sin0, into account, but I must be wrong about that.

sin0 returns a SendOSC. pause applies liftIO to pauseThread. The result
must be a SendOSC too, because sin0 and pause are both called in the same
do loop. SendOSC implements these three classes:
(Monad (ReaderT t io), Transport t, MonadIO io) => SendOSC (ReaderT t io)
Is the liftIO that pause applies to pauseThread, then, the "default" liftIO
defined in the MonadIO library?

*How to read the "instances" portion of Hackage documentation?*
In the Hackage documentation
the SendOSC type, how should I be reading this line?
(Monad (ReaderT t io), Transport t, MonadIO io) => SendOSC (ReaderT t io)
I understand the middle two clauses: that io should be of type MonadIO, and
t should be of type Transport. The outer two clauses, though, I don't know
how to interpret. (I looked at the code
saw nothing that clearly corresponded to that line in the documentation.)
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