[Haskell-cafe] Monads and scope
Mateusz Kowalczyk
fuuzetsu at fuuzetsu.co.uk
Tue Nov 4 03:56:52 UTC 2014
On 11/04/2014 03:02 AM, Jeffrey Brown wrote:
> *Question 1: Are monad stacks "transparent" -- that is, can one use a layer
> in the middle of a monad stack without thinking about other layers?*
> In learning about how to stack multiple monads (or more literally, how to
> stack monad transformers on top of a monad), I was expecting that in order
> to reach into the middle of the stack, one would have to stay aware of the
> order in which the stack was created, and unwrap outer transformers to get
> there.
> That appears to be false. For instance, the program UglyStack.hs in Chapter
> 18 (Monad Transformers) of Real World Haskell
> <http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/monad-transformers.html> includes a
> function called "constrainedCount" that, in a ReaderT (StateT IO) stack,
> calls "ask", "get" and some IO functions as if no layer of the stack
> interferes with any of the others.
Each of these functions works thanks to typeclasses: someone made the
Monad in question an instance of all those typeclasses so that you could
use these functions as if they were all on the same layer. In reality
the lifting is done at instance declarations.
> Is that true in general? That is, if I build on top of a monad M a stack of
> monad transformers T1 T2 T3 ... TN M, and each of the Tn have different
> functions associated with them, call I call those functions without even
> remembering the order in which the transformers were stacked? Does the
> order of the stack constrain the programmer in how they chain execution
> functions like runReader, but not otherwise?
It definitely matters how you stack your transformer especially when it
comes to unwrapping it: did you want a ‘Maybe (IO a)’ or ‘IO (Maybe a)’?
This is a bit of a silly example but hopefully you get the idea that the
ordering can't be randomly scrambled around without thought.
> *Question 2: Does a monad's scope extend maximally upward through the call
> stack?*
> All the programs I have seen that use monads keep them at the top scope:
> The "main" function will use them, and perhaps functions it calls, but if
> one descends low enough into the call stack, one escapes from the monad
> context into pure functional code. Can one ever escape a monad in the
> reverse direction?
> Stated differently: Monadic code can call pure code. Can pure code ever
> call monadic code?
This whole question just doesn't make sense to me at all. First of all,
monadic code (whatever that is meant to mean) is pure. From this alone
the question is meaningless. If I wrap something in Identity is it now
not pure somehow? Did you know that ((->) a) also forms a Monad? Are
functions now not pure code?
There is no difference between ‘monadic code’ and ‘pure code’, they are
the same thing, it's just that the former is dressed up into a form
that's convenient to work with.
So you'll have to give a clearer definition of ‘pure’ and ‘monadic’ code
here and show that they are somehow distinct in order to even have hope
to asking such a thing. I suspect you can not ;).
Mateusz K.
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