[Haskell-cafe] Self-contained GHC for Mac

Bob Hutchison hutch-lists at recursive.ca
Mon May 26 12:23:22 UTC 2014

On May 23, 2014, at 2:42 PM, Bob Ippolito <bob at redivi.com> wrote:

> After seeing some demand for packaged Haskell for Mac for the IHaskell project and by word of mouth at BayHac I decided to take a stab at it. Here you go:
> http://ghcformacosx.github.io/ (currently GHC 7.8.2 and cabal-install

Thank you! Wonderful!

I think this is the way to go for anyone setting up Haskell for the first time on a Mac. I agree that this should be a very prominently displayed installation option on haskell.org

So, Bob, have you thought about how you’ll avoid having to maintain this forever?

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