[Haskell-cafe] Announce: ghc-imported-from-

Carlo Hamalainen carlo at carlo-hamalainen.net
Thu May 22 08:42:15 UTC 2014


I have released v0.2.0.4 of my utility ghc-imported-from. It lets you
quickly jump to the Haddock documentation for a symbol in a Haskell
source file. This version has a few bug fixes, is significantly faster,
and has better support for cabal sandboxes.

Short screencast showing the vim plugin:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yO_VGCWMu8   (make sure it plays in
720p HD)

Hackage page: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-imported-from-

Vim plugin: https://github.com/carlohamalainen/ghcimportedfrom-vim


Carlo Hamalainen

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