[Haskell-cafe] One PhD position is available at the University of Dundee, Scotland

Ekaterina Komendantskaya komendantskaya at gmail.com
Wed May 21 12:03:18 UTC 2014

One PhD position is available at the University of Dundee, Scotland.



Katya Komendantskaya - katya at computing.dundee.ac.uk



The subject of the studentship is programming language semantics and
implementation. The specific topic for the studentship will depend on the
interests and expertise of the potential candidate. Possible topics are:
computational logic, interactive or automated theorem proving,
verification, type systems, type inference, logics and applications,
program analysis tools.



The studentship covers 3 years with a standard stipend of about £13-14k a
year plus some eligible travel and consumables.



The ideal candidate must show a solid Mathematical or Computer Science
background and interest in theoretical and/or practical aspects of
declarative programming languages.

Previous experience in one or more of the areas described in the profile
will be considered a plus.

How to apply


The position is available immediately. Candidates please contact  Katya
Komendantskaya - katya at computing.dundee.ac.uk

Dundee and the university


Dundee is the fourth-largest city in Scotland and it is well connected with
Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. Dundee is promoted as 'One City, Many
Discoveries' in honor of Dundee's history of scientific activities and of
the RRS Discovery exploration vessel, which is berthed in the city harbor.
Biomedical, technological and video game industries have been important for
the development of the city in the last 20 years.

The University of Dundee counts about 18.000 students and is situated in
the city center. The university is ranked in the World's Top 250
Universities and has been voted one of the best universities in the UK for
student experience.



The Theory of Computation group

The Theory of Computation group focuses on research into different areas
covering functional programming, program analysis, computational logic,
theorem proving, machine learning, constraint programming, graph theory,
algorithms and applications like privacy, security, complexity,
optimisation, and artificial intelligence.

Ekaterina Komendantskaya
Senior Lecturer, Head of PhD Studies
Room 1.04, Queen Mother Building

School of Computing, University of Dundee

Scotland, DD14HN

Tel: (+44) 01382384820
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