[Haskell-cafe] Domain Events in haskell

David Sorokin david.sorokin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 12:31:48 UTC 2014

Hi Rouan,

I like how a similar concept is implemented in F# and I did a similar
Signal type in my simulation library Aivika [1]. Only in my case the
signals (events) are bound up with the modeling time.

The publish function can be indeed and should be pure. Moreover, I
personally preferred the IObservable concept above the Event one as the
former seems to be more functional-like.

Just in F# they introduce also the event source and treat the events and
their sources differently. Therefore, the publish function, being defined
for the event source, is pure.


[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aivika

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Rouan van Dalen <rvdalen at yahoo.co.uk>wrote:

> Hi Cafe,
> I am trying to write a very simple implementation of an event publisher
> pattern but I am stuck and do
> not know how to do this in Haskell.
> I have the following code:
> ========================
> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, NamedFieldPuns #-}
> module Domain.DomainEventPublisher where
>    import Control.Monad (forM_)
>    import HsFu.Data.DateTime
>    import Domain.Client
>    data DomainEvent = ClientChangeAgeDomainEvent
>    data DomainEventContext =
>       DomainEventContext { domainEventContext_event      :: DomainEvent
>                          , domainEventContext_occurredOn :: DateTime
>                          } deriving (Show)
>    data DomainEventPublisher = DomainEventPublisher {
> domainEventPublisher_subscribers :: [DomainEventContext -> IO ()] }
>    mkEventPublisher :: DomainEventPublisher
>    mkEventPublisher = DomainEventPublisher []
>    subscribe :: DomainEventPublisher -> (DomainEventContext -> IO ()) ->
> DomainEventPublisher
>    subscribe publisher eventHandler =
>       DomainEventPublisher { domainEventPublisher_subscribers =
> eventHandler : (domainEventPublisher_subscribers publisher) }
>    publish :: DomainEventPublisher -> DomainEventContext -> IO ()
>    publish DomainEventPublisher{ domainEventPublisher_subscribers } event =
>       forM_ domainEventPublisher_subscribers ($ event)
> ========================
> My problem is that the publish method returns IO (), which means that
> events can only be
> published from the IO monad, but I would like events to be 'publish-able'
> from pure code.
> I can live with event handlers (passed into the subscribe function) being
> in the IO monad.
> Is there a better way to implement this pattern in Haskell?
> I have been racking my brain on this for a while now and cannot seem to
> come up with a
> good implementation.
> Regards
> --Rouan.
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