[Haskell-cafe] JuicyFruit - explanation of speed difference of pure and monadic image generation

Vlatko Basic vlatko.basic at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 09:12:52 UTC 2014

Hello Cafe,

JuicyFruite library has two functions for creating images. One is pure 
"generateImage", and another monadic "withImage".
I run some speed tests, and got the following results in microsecs:

generateImage =              1.0 us
withImage         =  1501241.1 us

This is the code for both functions, and the full code is at [1].

generateImage :: forall a. (Pixel a)
               => (Int -> Int -> a)  -- ^ Generating function, with `x` and `y` 
               -> Int        -- ^ Width in pixels
               -> Int        -- ^ Height in pixels
               -> Image a
generateImage f w h = Image { imageWidth = w, imageHeight = h, imageData = 
generated }
   where compCount = componentCount (undefined :: a)
         generated = runST $ do
             arr <- M.new (w * h * compCount)
             let lineGenerator _ y | y >= h = return ()
                 lineGenerator lineIdx y = column lineIdx 0
                   where column idx x | x >= w = lineGenerator idx $ y + 1
                         column idx x = do
                             unsafeWritePixel arr idx $ f x y
                             column (idx + compCount) $ x + 1

             lineGenerator 0 0
             V.unsafeFreeze arr

withImage :: forall m pixel. (Pixel pixel, PrimMonad m)
           => Int                     -- ^ Image width
           -> Int                     -- ^ Image height
           -> (Int -> Int -> m pixel) -- ^ Generating functions
           -> m (Image pixel)
withImage width height pixelGenerator = do
   let pixelComponentCount = componentCount (undefined :: pixel)
   arr <- M.new (width * height * pixelComponentCount)
   let mutImage = MutableImage
         { mutableImageWidth = width
         , mutableImageHeight = height
         , mutableImageData = arr

   let pixelPositions = [(x, y) | y <- [0 .. height-1], x <- [0..width-1]]
   sequence_ [pixelGenerator x y >>= unsafeWritePixel arr idx
                         | ((x,y), idx) <- zip pixelPositions [0, 
pixelComponentCount ..]]
   unsafeFreezeImage mutImage

The measurement times are for functions alone, without loading etc.
The tests were done with same image(s) and same generating function in the same 
"main", one after another and in both orders, so laziness shouldn't be an issue.

I'm looking at the code, but can't explain to myself why is the monadic one so, 
so much slower.
One function is recursive and another uses sequence, but beside that they look 
quite similar.

Can someone explain where does such large difference comes from?


Best regards,


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