[Haskell-cafe] FRP, Simulations and Time (Sodium et. al)

martin martin.drautzburg at web.de
Sun Mar 16 13:23:37 UTC 2014

FPR is usually described as a way to model interactions with the real world. I believe the same ideas should be
applicable to simulations. Instead of "real" events I would use fake events. This however only makes sense when the Time
associated with the Events (and Behaviors) is not wallclock time, but some kind of virtual time.

I looked briefly into Sodium and found no way to use "my own time". Steven Blackheath even said during a presentation,
that Time in Sodium is just another Behavior. I am not sure if I understood this correctly, but it gives me the feeling,
that the only Time available in Sodium is wallclock time, which would make it unsuitable for simulations.

Could someone give me some insights whether or not FRP is suitable for simulations?

Does my reasoning about Time make any sense? Do different libraries treat Time in different ways, such that some are
suitable for simulations, while others are not?


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