[Haskell-cafe] I seem to constantly abuse TypeFamilies; what do i really want?

Eric Walkingshaw walkiner at eecs.oregonstate.edu
Sat Mar 15 00:29:00 UTC 2014

>  That's a great point, thanks. I'll have to remember to interrogate
>> myself on that next time I find myself reaching for this pattern. I wonder
>> if your version can be made to work for functions of any arity?
Since functions get their arguments from the stack in reverse order, this
implementation actually already supports functions of any arity if you just
follow it with an appropriate number of `F2 ($)` commands.

First, here's a nicer eval function:

    eval :: Prog () (a,())
    eval p = fst (prog p ())

And here's how to apply the 3-ary function `zipWith` and the 4-ary function

    > eval (Push [1..3] :. Push [4..6] :. Push (,) :. F2 zipWith :. F2 ($)
:. End)

    > eval (Push [1..3] :. Push [4..6] :. Push [7..9] :. Push (,,) :. F2
zipWith3 :. F2 ($) :. F2 ($) :. End)

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