[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: sai-shape-syb Generic mapping to homogeneous types (etc.)

Andrew Seniuk rasfar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 03:31:54 UTC 2014

This package provides some support for dealing with polytypic data. It lets
you escape from the generics world and work with a homogeneous rose tree,
which can sometimes be convenient.

I realise a more experienced programmer would probably do this differently,
but anyhow it was useful to me and I've uploaded it.


There are some examples at


In particular, it supports GHC staged traversals, so for those trying to
work with the GHC AST this might be a helpful tool for filtering,
debugging, and suchlike.

Kind Regards,
Andrew Seniuk
rasfar on #haskell
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