[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: GLUT

Sven Panne svenpanne at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 12:08:00 UTC 2014

A new version of the GLUT package is available on Hackage, with the
following new features:

   * Added support for left/right SHIFT/CTRL/ALT special keys.
   * Added skipStaleMotionEvents state flag, making it possible to
skip all but the last motion event.
   * Added leaveFullScreen call.
   * Added support for position, application life cycle and
multi-touch window callbacks.
   * Various object drawing improvements:
        * Added teacup and teaspoon objects, so we support the full
Newell tea set now.
        * Added geometryVisualizeNormals state flag.
        * Added support for drawing objects via VBOs:
vertexAttribCoord3, vertexAttribNormal, and vertexAttribTexCoord2.
        * Added support for menu fonts via new constructor MenuWithFont.

Apart from glutInitErrorFunc and glutInitWarningFunc, which are not
extremely useful IMHO, all freeglut features are now exposed on the
Haskell side.


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