[Haskell-cafe] Slow mvar when compiled with threaded
Bob Ippolito
bob at redivi.com
Fri Jan 10 00:03:12 UTC 2014
So I dug a bit deeper (trying N different ways to write the code,
ThreadScope, etc.) and I have some good news some bad news.
The good news is that I figured out how to fix it, and it's an "easy" fix.
The bad news is that the fix is to compile it with GHC HEAD (~7.8, I built
ec4af3f), which has the new Mio high-performance multicore IO manager [1].
Apparently the old IO manager wasn't well suited to this use case.
With the latest GHC, the -threaded version outperforms the single threaded
version, and the numbers for both are better than with GHC 7.6.3.
I've updated the gist with a README that has some more details:
On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 7:50 AM, Bob Ippolito <bob at redivi.com> wrote:
> I haven't yet been able to sort out the performance difference, and
> probably won't have time to dig in deeper with profiling tools today. I've
> put together a gist with all of the files and a cabal file so it's easy to
> build with the right options.
> https://gist.github.com/etrepum/8312165
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 7:47 PM, Bob Ippolito <bob at redivi.com> wrote:
>> On Tuesday, January 7, 2014, Branimir Maksimovic wrote:
>>> On 01/08/2014 04:15 AM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, January 7, 2014, Branimir Maksimovic wrote:
>>>> On 01/07/2014 09:39 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>>>>> Here's a much simpler implementation for that sort of pattern, using
>>>>> channels to fan out work to threads. I added a dependency on Criterion
>>>>> because getCPUTime is basically useless for this kind of measurement on Mac
>>>>> OS X since it doesn't include the time that the process spent waiting on IO:
>>>> Great, thank you very much. You gave me material for learning ;)
>>>> However, my version is significantly faster when compiling without
>>>> -threaded.
>>>> With -threaded option, your version is much faster than mine, but both
>>>> are significantly slower
>>>> then compile without -threaded.
>>> Happy to look into it, I didn't have time today to do benchmarks
>>> (and Mac OS X is the worst platform to do this kind of testing on
>>> regardless of language, its network stack is inconsistent at best). I need
>>> to know more:
>>> How exactly are you compiling?
>>> ghc-7.6.3 --make -O2 client.hs
>>> Which OS?
>>> Ubuntu 13.10 with 3.13-rc7 kernel.
>>> What version of GHC and Haskell Platform?
>>> bmaxa at maxa:~$ apt-cache policy haskell-platform
>>> haskell-platform:
>>> Installed: 2013.2.0.0
>>> Candidate: 2013.2.0.0
>>> Version table:
>>> *** 2013.2.0.0 0
>>> 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy/universe amd64
>>> Packages
>>> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
>>> What is the exact command line you execute it with?
>>> time ./client maxa 5055 1000 100000
>> What happens if you add +RTS -N to the end of that command line?
>>> What timings do you get?
>>> with your version:
>>> real 0m4.235s
>>> user 0m1.589s
>>> sys 0m2.642s
>>> with my version
>>> real 0m3.010s
>>> user 0m0.590s
>>> sys 0m2.417s
>>> that is, of course, without -threaded
>>> What's the code for the server are you connecting to?
>>> import Network (listenOn,PortID(..))
>>> import Network.Socket (accept,close)
>>> import Network.Socket.ByteString
>>> import System.Environment
>>> import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
>>> main = do
>>> n <- getArgs
>>> let nn = (read.head) n :: Int
>>> putStrLn $ "Listening on " ++ show nn
>>> sock <- listenOn $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral nn
>>> serve sock
>>> serve sock = do
>>> (s,_) <- accept sock
>>> forkIO $ process s
>>> serve sock
>>> process sock = do
>>> buf <- recv sock 1024
>>> sendAll sock buf
>>> close sock
>>> Loopback, local network, or internet?
>>> loopback. Testing is on same computer.
>>> Thanks!
>> Great, I'll look closer later tonight or tomorrow morning.
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