[Haskell-cafe] Slow mvar when compiled with threaded
Bob Ippolito
bob at redivi.com
Tue Jan 7 20:39:40 UTC 2014
Here's a much simpler implementation for that sort of pattern, using
channels to fan out work to threads. I added a dependency on Criterion
because getCPUTime is basically useless for this kind of measurement on Mac
OS X since it doesn't include the time that the process spent waiting on IO:
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
import System.CPUTime
import Network.Socket hiding(recv)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import Control.Exception (handle, IOException)
import System.Environment
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Criterion.Measurement (time, time_, secs)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(host, port, conc, reqs) <- fmap parse getArgs
putStrLn $ "Connecting to " ++ host ++ " " ++ port
(servAddr:_) <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just host) (Just port)
(diff, results) <- time $ process servAddr conc reqs
let (errs, succs) = partitionEithers results
numSuccs = length succs
numErrs = length errs
succTime = sum succs
succAvg = succTime / fromIntegral numSuccs
putStrLn $ unwords
[show numSuccs, "successes,", show numErrs, "errors in", secs diff]
when (numSuccs > 0) $ do
putStrLn $ "min/max/avg request time: " ++
intercalate " / " (map secs [minimum succs, maximum succs, succAvg])
putStrLn $ show (round (fromIntegral reqs / diff) :: Int) ++ " r/s"
parse :: [String] -> (String, String, Int, Int)
parse [h,p,conc,reqs] = (h, p, read conc, read reqs)
parse _ = error "usage client host port concurrency requests"
process :: AddrInfo -> Int -> Int -> IO [Either IOException Double]
process servAddr conc reqs = do
reqChan <- newChan
ackChan <- newChan
let processThread = forever $ do
_ <- readChan reqChan
handle (return . Left) (fmap Right socketAction) >>= writeChan
socketAction = time_ $ do
sock <- socket (addrFamily servAddr) Stream defaultProtocol
connect sock (addrAddress servAddr)
sendAll sock "GET /\r\n\r\n"
void $ recv sock 1024
close sock
replicateM_ reqs (writeChan reqChan ())
replicateM_ (min conc reqs) (forkIO processThread)
replicateM reqs (readChan ackChan)
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Branimir Maksimovic <
branimir.maksimovic at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have test network client, something like apache bench tool.
> It uses mvars to synchronize and everything is ok when
> compiled without -threaded.
> real 0m2.995s
> user 0m0.601s
> sys 0m2.391s
> With -threaded compile option result is following:
> real 0m18.196s
> user 0m2.054s
> sys 0m3.313s
> Seems that program is sleeping most of the time for some
> reason. I can't explain behavior as it seems that
> program is ok. It starts `concurrency` threads which
> wait on mvar to process next task.
> Program follows:
> {-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
> import System.CPUTime
> import System.IO
> --import System.IO.Error
> import Network.Socket hiding(recv)
> import Network.Socket.ByteString
> import System.Environment
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Control.Exception
> main = do
> n <- getArgs
> let (host,port,conc,reqs) = parse n
> putStrLn $ "Connecting to " ++ host ++ " " ++ port
> s <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just host) (Just port)
> let servAddr = head s
> begin <- getCPUTime
> process servAddr conc reqs
> end <- getCPUTime
> let diff = (fromIntegral (end - begin))/(10^12) :: Double
> putStrLn $ show (round (fromIntegral reqs / diff)) ++ " r/s"
> parse [h,p,conc,reqs] = (h,p,read conc::Int,read reqs::Int)
> parse _ = error "usage client host port concurrency requests"
> process servAddr conc reqs = do
> let niter = if reqs >= conc then conc else reqs
> putStrLn $ "loop " ++ show niter
> mvars <- initThreads niter []
> putStrLn $ "Initialized " ++ show niter
> let loop n (m:mvs) f | n>0 = do
> flag <- isEmptyMVar m
> if f > length mvars then putStrLn "busy" else return ()
> if flag || f > length mvars
> then do
> putMVar m ()
> loop (n-1) mvs 0
> else loop n mvs (f+1)
> | otherwise = return ()
> loop n [] f = if n>0 then loop n mvars f else return ()
> putStrLn $ "length " ++ show (length mvars)
> loop (reqs-niter) mvars 0
> where
> initThreads niter vars | niter > 0 = do
> mvar <- newMVar ()
> forkIO $ process mvar
> initThreads (niter-1) (mvar:vars)
> | otherwise = return vars
> process mvar = do
> sock <- socket (addrFamily servAddr) Stream defaultProtocol
> connect sock (addrAddress servAddr)
> sendAll sock "Hello World!\n"
> buf <- recv sock 1024
> close sock
> takeMVar mvar
> process mvar
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