[Haskell-cafe] haddock backends

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Tue Jan 7 13:10:38 UTC 2014

* Mateusz Kowalczyk <fuuzetsu at fuuzetsu.co.uk> [2014-01-07 02:52:12+0000]
> * This touches on frequently overlooked problem: Haddock targets more
>   than just the HTML back-end. We also have the LaTeX back-end and the
>   Hoogle back-end. This is why we don't allow things like verbatim
>   HTML in the markup, it doesn't make sense for anything but HTML.
>   Admittedly, LaTeX back-end could just generate the maths itself but
>   we then suddenly have to change the ‘verbatim’ block to the ‘LaTeX’
>   block. It's also unclear how Hoogle back-end would deal with this.
>   Even if we add the ‘LaTeX structure‘ to Haddock, I'm afraid that it
>   might end up with people just writing LaTeX for their documentation
>   which is useless for anyone not using that back-end.

I see no reason why haddock should have a hoogle backend, as opposed to
hoogle using the GHC API directly. It's just a hack that exists for
historical reasons.

Other than that, HTML is the only backend really in use at the moment,
I believe.

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