[Haskell-cafe] Designing somewhat-type-safe RPC
John Lato
jwlato at gmail.com
Thu Jan 2 23:55:42 UTC 2014
This looks very similar to some code that I was working on a few months
ago, https://github.com/JohnLato/lifted-lens. I never really started to
use it, but everything that's there works (sadly I don't have any examples
right now, but the module Language.Lens.Lifted is the top-level, and I
could add an example if you're interested).
First, consider how something might work without using GADTs. You'd want
your server to read the identifiers, figure out the types to use for
everything, and instantiate its argument at the correct types. This means
you'd have a function like:
> runServer :: (forall call req res. (RPC call, Binary req, Binary res) =>
call req res -> req -> IO res) -> IO ()
Now, I'm not entirely sure how this will interact with GADTs as you're
using them. The problem I had with lifted-lens was convincing GHC that
various constraints (that are required by certain GADT constructors) were
satisfiable at the point the constructor would be applied. I ended up
needing to do a lot of CPS-like transforms in more places than I expected.
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Nicolas Trangez <nicolas at incubaid.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> While working on the design of an RPC library (for an existing
> protocol), I got somewhat stuck.
> The system is fairly simple: for some call, a client first sends an
> identifier of the call, followed by a serialized form of the argument.
> Then the server returns some serialized result.
> A server exposes several procedures, all taking a certain argument type
> and returning a certain result type.
> Below is some code which sketches my current approach. The 'client' side
> seems straight-forward and working (hence 'runCall'), but I didn't
> manage to implement the server side as I imagine it to be (i.e. the
> parts commented out).
> Any pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Nicolas
> RankNTypes,
> OverloadedStrings,
> KindSignatures,
> ScopedTypeVariables #-}
> module RPC where
> import Data.Word (Word32)
> import Data.Binary (Binary, decode, encode)
> class RPC (a :: * -> * -> *) where
> rpcProcedureId :: a req res -> Word32
> {-
> rpcProcedure :: Word32 -> Maybe (a req res)
> -}
> data Service req res where
> Ping :: Service () ()
> Add :: Service (Word32, Word32) Word32
> instance RPC Service where
> rpcProcedureId p = case p of
> Ping -> 1
> Add -> 2
> {-
> rpcProcedure i = case i of
> 1 -> Just Ping
> 2 -> Just Add
> _ -> Nothing
> -}
> runCall :: forall call req res. (RPC call, Binary req, Binary res) =>
> call req res -> req -> IO res
> runCall call req = do
> let bs = encode req
> idx = rpcProcedureId call
> -- Send idx & bs to network, read stuff from network and interpret
> s <- return $ encode (3 :: Word32)
> return $ decode s
> runServer :: (RPC call, Binary req, Binary res) => (call req res -> req
> -> IO res) -> IO ()
> {-
> runServer handler = do
> i <- return 2 -- Read from network
> case rpcProcedure i of
> Nothing -> error "No such procedure"
> Just (call :: call req res) -> do
> -- Read request from network
> s <- return $ encode (1 :: Word32, 2 :: Word32)
> let (req :: req) = decode s
> (res :: res) <- handler call req
> -- Send reply to network
> let res' = encode res
> return ()
> -}
> runServer handler = undefined
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> runCall Ping () >>= print
> runCall Add (1, 2) >>= print
> {-
> runServer handler
> where
> handler :: Service req res -> req -> IO res
> handler c (r :: req) = case c of
> Ping -> return ()
> Add -> case r of (a, b) -> return (a + b)
> -}
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