[Haskell-cafe] Haskell spec vs FlexibleInstances

AntC anthony_clayden at clear.net.nz
Tue Feb 18 20:53:31 UTC 2014

> Doug McIlroy <doug <at> cs.dartmouth.edu> writes:
> What potential evil motivates  the prohibition of repeated type
> parameters in an instance declaration?

Hi Doug, 

I guess the first reason would be to catch accidental duplicate names of 

But as to "potential evils", the only point of such an instance:

    instance C a a where ...

would be to have another instance:

    instance C a b where ...

So we're into overlapping instances. (And discriminating on type equality -
- which only works if the types are grounded. See the HList paper, section 
9 'By chance or design?')

Overlapping instances like that will probably need FunDeps. So the more 
recent (and probably more blessed) approach is to use the Closed type 
families/branched instances doo-hicky upcoming with GHC 7.8.


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