[Haskell-cafe] Filing bugs for haskell packages

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Fri Feb 7 08:20:13 UTC 2014

Hi Szymon,

* Szymon Pyżalski <zefciu at gmail.com> [2014-02-07 09:08:20+0100]
> I am new to haskell and I found a bug in package http://hackage.haskell.org/package/regex-compat-0.92/docs/Text-Regex.html
> On the hackage page it says that the maintainer e-mail of this
> package is: libraries at haskell.org.

Where does it say that? The page http://hackage.haskell.org/package/regex-compat
lists TextRegexLazy at ... as the maintainer's email.

> So i sent a bug report there, but bounced back to me because of quota.
> So apparently nobody reads these e-mails.

libraries at haskell.org is a public Haskell mailing list. If you want to
send emails there, you have to subscribe first.

> How can I file a bug report for this package? I don't feel good
> enough in haskell to try and fix it myself.

IIUC, regex-compat is a compatibility layer on top of regex-posix. Is
there any reason you're not using regex-posix directly?

(Of course, I cannot tell whether the bug you've hit is in regex-posix
or is introduced by regex-compat.)

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