[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: incorrect MonadPlus law "v >> mzero = mzero"?
Dan Burton
danburton.email at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 22:51:04 UTC 2014
Indeed this issue is not limited merely to multiple failure values.
>>> runMaybeT $ lift (putStrLn "effect") >> mzero
>>> runMaybeT mzero
So you're right. This law is being violated
-- Dan Burton
On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Petr Pudlák <petr.mvd at gmail.com> wrote:
> Since nobody replied so far, I'm also forwarding to cafe.
> Petr
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Petr Pudlák <petr.mvd at gmail.com>
> Date: 2014-01-29
> Subject: incorrect MonadPlus law "v >> mzero = mzero"?
> To: "libraries at haskell.org" <libraries at haskell.org>
> Hi,
> this law apparently fails for a MonadPlus instance that has more than one
> possible failure value. Consider:
> runIdentity . runErrorT $
> ((ErrorT . Identity $ Left "failure") >> mzero :: ErrorT String
> Identity ())
> evaluates to `Left "failure"`, which isn't equal to ErrorT's mzero `Left
> ""`.
> This isn't just the case of ErrorT, it fails for any MonadPlus with
> multiple failure values. For example
> lift (tell "foo") >> mzero :: MaybeT (Writer String) ()
> is again distinct from mzero.
> Actually, no monad transformer with a MonadPlus instance can satisfy the
> law, because the first part in front of `>> mzero` can introduce side
> effects in the underlying monad.
> I'm not sure what should be the proper solution. Perhaps to change the
> laws to:
> return x >> mzero = mzero
> (v >> mzero) >>= f = (v >> mzero)`
> That is, if an expression ends with `mzero`, it behaves like `mzero`.
> Petr
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