[Haskell-cafe] Do you know the author of the paper "Semantic Lego" ?

Jan-Willem Maessen jmaessen at alum.mit.edu
Mon Dec 29 15:01:11 UTC 2014

I've sent this along to David Espinosa; note that it might take a little
while for him to respond as it's the holiday season in the US and many
people are out of town.

-Jan-Willem Maessen

On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 11:39 PM, Hidekazu IWAKI <i.hidekazu at gmail.com>

> Dear Sirs.
> I want to introduce the monad theory as a modular denotational semantics.
> So I am translating a really nice paper "Semantic Lego" into Japanese.
> But I have not be able to get the agreement of translating and
> publishing on the web.
> I already sent e-mails to two contact address. I know them from his
> homepage
> http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/dae/
> However the addresses are not use both them.
> So anyone know him and his e-mail address, could you please forward
> the following mail to
> the author Dr. David Espinosa ?
> It should be noted he seems to work at Google.
> Sincerely.
> ------------------
> My name is IWAKI Hidekazu and I am an amateur researcher of computer
> science
> and a Japanese Wikipedian. I am a Japanese living in Japan.
> https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%88%A9%E7%94%A8%E8%80%85:I.hidekazu
> I am concerning the methods of modular denotational semantics(the
> theory of monads).
> But for example Lian,Hudak or Wadler's paper is so difficult or not
> clear. so I can not explain the theory.
> Your Ph.D thesis "Semantic Lego" is so nice paper for learning the methods.
> It is very important for every computer scientists and functional
> programmer interesting in the theory of Monad.
> I want to translate this paper to Japanese. So could you give me the
> agreement ofJapanese translation?
> I am looking forward to hearing from you.
> Faithfully yours.
> --
> *:..。o○☆*゚¨゚゚・*:..。o○☆*゚¨゚゚・*:..。o○☆*゚¨゚゚゚
> *岩城 秀和(いわき ひでかず)
> *メール: i.hidekazu at gmail.com
> *:..。o○☆*゚¨゚゚・*:..。o○☆*゚¨゚゚・*:..。o○☆*゚¨゚゚゚
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