[Haskell-cafe] Do you know the author of the paper "Semantic Lego" ?

Hidekazu IWAKI i.hidekazu at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 04:39:47 UTC 2014

Dear Sirs.

I want to introduce the monad theory as a modular denotational semantics.
So I am translating a really nice paper "Semantic Lego" into Japanese.

But I have not be able to get the agreement of translating and
publishing on the web.
I already sent e-mails to two contact address. I know them from his homepage
However the addresses are not use both them.

So anyone know him and his e-mail address, could you please forward
the following mail to
the author Dr. David Espinosa ?
It should be noted he seems to work at Google.


My name is IWAKI Hidekazu and I am an amateur researcher of computer science
and a Japanese Wikipedian. I am a Japanese living in Japan.

I am concerning the methods of modular denotational semantics(the
theory of monads).
But for example Lian,Hudak or Wadler's paper is so difficult or not
clear. so I can not explain the theory.

Your Ph.D thesis "Semantic Lego" is so nice paper for learning the methods.
It is very important for every computer scientists and functional
programmer interesting in the theory of Monad.

I want to translate this paper to Japanese. So could you give me the
agreement ofJapanese translation?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Faithfully yours.

*岩城 秀和(いわき ひでかず)
*メール: i.hidekazu at gmail.com

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