[Haskell-cafe] Generic "to tuple" function

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Fri Dec 26 22:39:44 UTC 2014

On 26/12/14 20:18, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> I have tons of code like this:
>   from_tuple = uncurry MLBBoxScoreGameBreakdownXml
>   to_tuple (MLBBoxScoreGameBreakdownXml a h) = (a,h)
> The first function, from_tuple, generalizes easily with `uncurryN` from
> Data.Tuple.Curry. But I'm wondering, is there any generic function that
> will take a simple data type and cram it into a tuple?
> So instead of writing,
>   from_tuple = uncurryN MLBBoxScoreGameBreakdownTeamXml
>   to_tuple (MLBBoxScoreGameBreakdownTeamXml w x y z) = (w,x,y,z)
> I could just do,
>   from_tuple = uncurryN MLBBoxScoreGameBreakdownTeamXml
>   to_tuple = toTupleGeneric
> because things get real ugly when there are ~20 fields in the data type.

Should be easy to do with the generics-sop package.


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