[Haskell-cafe] Julia and Charts on Mac

Dominic Steinitz dominic at steinitz.org
Mon Dec 1 09:30:50 UTC 2014

I just had an interesting experience installing the Julia charts package (Gadfly based on ggplot) on my Mac which I thought I would share as I know I and other folk have had trouble getting diagrams / Cairo to work on Macs.

It installs homebrew and then all the required packages from its own repo (not sure what the homebrew terminology is for this - possibly a brewery?) so presumably guaranteeing that the installation is consistent and “just works”. I must say I was a bit surprised (I think I would have liked it to tell me what it was about to do) but it was entirely painless and I drew my first chart after less than 5 minutes.

Something to bear in mind for making the barrier to entry to Haskell a bit lower.

Dominic Steinitz
dominic at steinitz.org

PS I am not sure that haskell-cafe is the right list to share this on but as we don’t have a mailing list for numerical stuff or mac stuff...

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