[Haskell-cafe] Vector sort poor performance

Felipe Lessa felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 14:22:15 UTC 2014

I've added a few more variants to your test code (see below) and I'm not
sure what to think.  Especially if you look at Optimal.sort4ByOffset's
source code, it makes no sense that it would take so much time.  So my
hypothesis is that most of the time is spent on the `compare` calls.

If you take a look at the generated core, sort4ByOffset is not inlined,
let alone sort4ByIndex.  Also, none of these two have SPECIALIZE pragmas
for Doubles (or anything else for that matter).  GHC is then calling the
function with a reference to `compare`, which transforms a few CPU
cycles into a function call that constructs a value which is then
immediately deconstructed.

I suggest that you add a few SPECIALIZE pragmas to vector-algorithms and
check its performance again.

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Heap as Heap
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Insertion as Insertion
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as Intro
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Merge as Merge
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Optimal as Optimal
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Radix as Radix
import Data.IORef
import Criterion.Main

type Value = Double

arr = V.fromList ([1,2] :: [Value])

foo :: (forall s. V.MVector s Value -> ST s ()) -> Value -> Value
foo f x = V.head q
    q = runST $ do
      res <- V.unsafeThaw $ V.concat
        [ V.map (\e -> e + x) arr
        , V.map (\e -> e - x) arr]
      f res
      V.unsafeFreeze res

main = do
  ref <- newIORef 0
    [ b "--nothing--" (const $ return ())
    , b "--best--" best
    , b "Heap" Heap.sort
    , b "Insertion" Insertion.sort
    , b "Intro" Intro.sort
    , b "Merge" Merge.sort
    , b "Optimal" (\v -> Optimal.sort4ByOffset compare v 0) ]
    b :: String -> (forall s. V.MVector s Value -> ST s ()) -> Benchmark
    b s f = bgroup s [ bench "10" $ whnf (foo f) 10 ]

    best :: forall s. V.MVector s Value -> ST s ()
    best res = do
      -- [ 11, 12, -9, -8 ]
      MV.swap res 0 2
      -- [ -9, 12, 11, -8 ]
      MV.swap res 1 3
      -- [ -9, -8, 11, 12 ]


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