[Haskell-cafe] How to write fast for loops

John Lato jwlato at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 04:24:38 UTC 2014

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 7:23 PM, Niklas Hambüchen <mail at nh2.me> wrote:

> I've just uploaded my benchmarks to https://github.com/nh2/loop.
> Please take a look. There are some interesting results.
> The first thing I don't understand at all is:
> http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/nh2/loop/blob/master/results/bench.html
> See how w32/loop and w32/unsafeLoop are equally fast. Then look at
> http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/nh2/loop/blob/master/results/bench-traverse-w32.html
> Here I run the same thing over the whole of Word32.
> See how `loop` is faster here than `unsafeLoop`? How does that make sense?

Huh?  In the comments you wrote:

-- Note that some types (e.g. Word32) have bounds checks even for
-- `toEnum`.

Doesn't that explain it?  For Int, toEnum/fromEnum is a noop, but on Word32
it's not.

> Next thing:
> It seems that V.enumFromTo and V.fromList are actually the same:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/package/vector-
> However in my benchmark, at least for `Int`, the performance is
> different - am I overlooking something?

Probably with V.fromList, the list gets floated out?  Just guessing, check
the core!

> On 28/04/14 01:34, John Lato wrote:
> > It can make a difference in that, with unboxed vectors, the compiler can
> > statically determine that it is able to use unboxed values, and
> > therefore is more likely to do so.  Having finally broken down and run
> > some tests, I can report that on my system using V.enumFromTo with
> > unboxed vectors results in the same performance as the hand-written loop.
> I cannot see a difference between Vector.enumFromTo and
> Vector.Unboxed.enumFromTo in my benchmark.
> Vector.enumFromTo is as fast as the hand-written loop, but only for
> `Int`. For `Word32`, it is 5 times slower. Any idea why?

Ahh, you made me look at the core again.  I think this is related to your
observation about V.enumFromTo being the same as V.fromList.  With Word32
the generated core shows that this goes via a list representation instead
of a nice loop.  Which makes me suspect there's some RULE that applies to
Stream.enumFromTo that is firing in the first case but not the second.  And
if I build both versions with -ddump-rule-firings, indeed I see that the
Int version has

Rule fired: enumFromTo<Int> [Stream]

With nothing comparable for the Word32 version.  I'd imagine if you grep
for that in the Vector sources, you'd find something interesting.

The EnumFromN version does not seem to suffer from this (but again it's
necessary to evaluate the argument).
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