[Haskell-cafe] warp vs scotty + some benchmark numbers

Amit Aryeh Levy amit at amitlevy.com
Sat Apr 12 21:49:59 UTC 2014

Several things...

1. The difference here isn't very big, so it's likely that the ~30ms
difference to complete 10k requests is just noise. Scotty's overhead
should really be pretty small

2. With GHC <= 7.6, -threaded is actually going to hurt you on Warp
benchmarks that don't do much computational work. 7.8's new IO manager
seems like is a different story from my benchmarks, but -threaded is
basically a loss if you're not going to be doing any actual parallelism
(which if it's just a pong benchmark, isn't really)

3. It's almost certainly the case that the bottleneck is in your client
code. It's not trivial to write benchmark code and a fair amount of
effort has gone into building such tools (httperf and wrk seem to be the
best right now). Are you using Keep-Alive to recycle connections? Are
you using events/threads on the client? Is your client HTTP parsing code
fast? Are you spending a lot of time copying buffers around? The trick
is to keep the servers constantly busy, and if they are waiting on
getting the next request from the server, that's not going to be the case.

For comparison, just yesterday I happened to run such a benchmark on
Warp and get ~70k req/sec with a load of 2-3 client threads. I've gotten
higher before. This was on my laptop with similar specs - Arch Linux,
3.4Ghz Intel i7, 16GB, all over localhost.

I'd recommend testing out the benchmark with `wrk` and/or `httperf` (wrk
is just easier to get going, but I've gotten good results with both).


On 04/12/2014 02:22 PM, Miro Karpis wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to make a small benchmarking for warp and scotty (later
> with json/no-json text performance test). My client is a Qt c++
> application. I made a minimum code in both Haskell and C++. The
> problem is the numbers I'm getting.
> (Benchmark::pong-warp) - total requests: 10000 , send/received in
> msec: 3848
> (Benchmark::pong-scotty) - total requests: 10000 , send/received in
> msec: 3814 
> Only sending 10k requests from my c++ client takes around 1 sec.
> What I don't understand is:
> a) how is it possible that scotty is so close to warp (in this run it
> even wins)?
> b) 10k requests I'm getting in approximately 4 seconds. Here
> <http://www.yesodweb.com/blog/2011/03/preliminary-warp-cross-language-benchmarks>
> is one 2 years old benchmark with 80k/second. Why is there so big
> difference?
> I'm running on macbook-pro 16g, 2.3 GHz
> Scotty and warp is compiled with: -O2 -threaded
> --scotty
> import Web.Scotty
> import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
> main = scotty 3005 $ do
>   get "/" $ do
>     text "pong"
> --warp
> import Network.Wai(responseLBS, Application)
> import Network.HTTP.Types(status200)
> import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
> app :: Application
> app _ = return $ responseLBS
>     status200               
>     [("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
>     "pong"                 
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> let port = 3000
> putStrLn $ "Listening on port " ++ show port
> run port app
> --c++ client sample (Qt)
>     simStart = QDateTime().currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
>     for(int i=0; i<requests; i++){
>         QNetworkReply *reply = manager->get(QNetworkRequest(url));
>         QEventLoop eventLoop;
>         QObject::connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
>         eventLoop.exec();
>         QObject::disconnect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
>     }
>     qDebug() << "(Benchmark::pong) - total requests: " << requests << ", send in msec: " << (QDateTime().currentMSecsSinceEpoch()-simStart);
> cheers,
> miro
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