[Haskell-cafe] Problem with HXT `when`

Albert Y. C. Lai trebla at vex.net
Wed Sep 25 03:22:42 CEST 2013

On 13-09-21 05:13 AM, Vlatko Basic wrote:
> I'd like to extract A texts from row with header "Caption", and have
> come up with this
> runX $ doc
>      >>> (deep (hasName "tr")                                       --
> filter only TRs
>                 >>> withTraceLevel 5 traceTree                   --
> shows correct TR
>                 `when`
>               deep (
>                  hasName "th" >>>
> -- filter THs with specified text
>                  getChildren >>> hasText (=="Caption")
>               ) -- inner deep
>               >>> getChildren >>> hasName "td" -- shouldn't here be only
> one TR?
>               >>> getChildren
>            )
>           >>> getName &&& (getChildren >>> getText)  -- list has TDs
> from all three TRs

Operator precedences:
   >>> infixr 1
   `when` infixl 9 (default)

Therefore, this expression redundantly parenthesized and systematically 
indented to ensure that you are on the same page with the computer is:

runX $
     ( deep (hasName "tr")
-- begin{conditionally prints but otherwise is arr id}
       ( withTraceLevel 5 traceTree
         deep ( hasName "th"
                hasText (=="Caption")
              ) -- inner deep
-- end{conditionally prints but otherwise is arr id}
       hasName "td"
     ( getName &&& (getChildren >>> getText) )

The condition on <th>Caption</th> ends up controlling trace messages 
only; it is not used to limit real processing.

"when" doesn't help even when used correctly: it doesn't ban data. 
"guards" and "containing" ban data, but you have to put them at the 
right place, i.e., parenthesize correctly.

runX $
     ( deep ( hasName "tr"
              deep ( hasName "th"
                     hasText (=="Caption")
       hasName "td"
     ( getName
       (getChildren >>> getText)

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