[Haskell-cafe] ANN Vigilance: Get notified when periodical tasks fail to run successfully

Michael Xavier michael at michaelxavier.net
Thu Sep 19 07:14:54 CEST 2013

Hey Cafe,

Just wanted to announce a project I've been tinkering with for a while
finally got to a state where I felt comfortable releasing it. Vigilance is
a Dead Man's Switch system that notifies you when periodical tasks that
fail to check in when you expected them to.

An example of this could be registering the daily backups you do of your
servers and have them send emails or send HTTP POST requests if backups
ever fail to check in. Vigilance provides an executable for doing check-ins
and inspecting your watches as well as a simple REST API if you need
something embeddable for existing projects.

HackageDB: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/vigilance
Github: http://github.com/michaelxavier/vigilance
Introductory blog post:

Michael Xavier
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