reifying typeclasses (resend)

Evan Laforge qdunkan at
Sun Sep 15 09:38:50 CEST 2013

[ This is the second time I sent this, the first time it said it was
awaiting moderation because I'm not subscribed to haskell-cafe, which
is weird because I thought I was.  Did a bunch of people get
unsubscribed? ]

I'm sure this is old-hat to typeclass wizards, but I've managed to get
pretty far without understanding them too well, so here's a basic
question.  I haven't seen it phrased this way before though:

I have a typeclass which is instantiated across a closed set of 3
types.  It has an ad-hoc set of methods, and I'm not too happy with
them because being a typeclass forces them to all be defined in one
place, breaking modularity.  A sum type, of course, wouldn't have that
problem.  But in other places I want the type-safety that separate
types provide, and packing everything into a sum type would destroy
that.  So, expression problem-like, I guess.

It seems to me like I should be able to replace a typeclass with
arbitrary methods with just two, to reify the type and back.  This
seems to work when the typeclass dispatches on an argument, but not on
a return value.  E.g.:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

class Taggable a where
    toTagged :: a -> Tagged
    toTaggedType :: a -> TaggedType
    fromTagged :: Tagged -> Maybe a

    m_argument :: a -> Int
    m_result :: Int -> a

data Tagged = TInt Int | TChar Char deriving (Show)
data TaggedType = TypeInt | TypeChar deriving (Show)

instance Taggable Int where
    toTagged = TInt
    toTaggedType _ = TypeInt
    fromTagged (TInt x) = Just x
    fromTagged _ = Nothing

    m_argument = id
    m_result = id

instance Taggable Char where
    toTagged = TChar
    toTaggedType _ = TypeChar
    fromTagged (TChar x) = Just x
    fromTagged _ = Nothing

    m_argument = fromEnum
    m_result = toEnum

argument :: (Taggable a) => a -> Int
argument a = case toTagged a of
    TInt x -> x
    TChar c -> fromEnum c

result :: forall a. (Taggable a) => Int -> a
result val = case toTaggedType (undefined :: a) of
    TypeInt -> val
    TypeChar -> toEnum val

Say m_argument and m_result are the ad-hoc methods I'd like to get out
of the typeclass.  I can do that well enough for 'argument', but
'result' runs into trouble.  One is the ugly undefined trick with
toTaggedType, but the bigger one is that ghc says 'Could not deduce (a
~ Int) from the context (Taggable a)'.  I wasn't really expecting it
to work, because it would entail a case with multiple types.  As far
as I know, the only way for that to happen is with GADTs.  But I don't
see how they could help me here.

So, perhaps my intuition was wrong.  toTagged and fromTagged methods
give you the power to go between value and type level, but apparently
that's not enough power to express what typeclasses give you.  Also it
seems like there's a fundamental difference between dispatching on
argument vs dispatching on result.

Is there a way to more formally understand the extents of what
typeclasses provide, and what a toTagged fromTagged scheme gives me,
so I can have a better intuition for how to go between value and type

Also, the toTaggedType thing is pretty ugly.  Not just passing it
undefined, but how it has to repeat the types.  I don't really see a
way to get around that though.

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