[Haskell-cafe] [ZipList Monad] Final answer?
Niklas Haas
haskell at nand.wakku.to
Fri Oct 18 13:43:50 UTC 2013
On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 20:55:54 -0400 (EDT), Etsuji Nakai <enakai at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I found a few interesting discussions on how to construct ZipList Monad in the past (around 2009).
> For example, http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2009-April/059079.html
> But there seems no final answer to it. After a good discussion with one of my Haskell friends, we finally came up with the following one:
> import Control.Monad
> newtype MyZipList a = MyZipList [a] deriving (Show)
> getBase :: MyZipList a -> [a]
> getBase (MyZipList xs) = xs
> instance Monad MyZipList where
> return x = MyZipList $ repeat x
> m >>= f = MyZipList $ bind (getBase m) (fmap getBase f)
> where
> bind :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
> bind [] f = []
> bind (x:xs) f = case f x of
> [] -> []
> y:_ -> y : bind xs (fmap tailOrNil f)
> tailOrNil :: [b] -> [b]
> tailOrNil [] = []
> tailOrNil (x:xs) = xs
> This is fairly simple and looks to work with variable length lists. Do you think this could be the final answer?
Violates the Monad laws, specifically join . join = join . fmap join:
>>> let join x = bind x id
>>> join (join [[[1]],[[],[2,3]]])
>>> join (fmap join [[[1]],[[],[2,3]]])
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