[Haskell-cafe] Canberra interest?

Tony Morris tonymorris at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 00:12:25 UTC 2013

Hello, I am from Brisbane, Australia and it is my mission to teach
functional programming to all and especially Australia. I am tasked with
this mission by my employer, NICTA, which is funded by the Australia

With support from NICTA, I usually run (free) courses to assist in this
mission and have done so in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. However, I
often wonder about any interest in Canberra. I do not find any user
interest groups related to Functional Programming or language-specific
such as Haskell when I search, so I was hoping to seek out any
expressions of interest here.

Are any of you from Canberra? If so, are you interested in learning more
about functional programming? Would you be interested in attending a 2
or 3 day workshop? Do you have peers who would also be interested? If
these people exist, how might I contact them?

Thanks for any tips!

Tony Morris

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