[Haskell-cafe] off-topic question: why invent new Haskell-like compile-to-js functional languages when we have awesome js_of_ocaml ?

Charlie Paul charlieap at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 19:31:25 UTC 2013

> (I'm assuming we won't have JS backend for GHC anytime soon)

You would be somewhat mistaken. <https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs> Just
beware of compiling huge packages with it.

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sorry for off-topic question, I'm asking this question here because as
> Haskell community we invent lots of new Haskell-like(sometimes a
> subset of Haskell like Fay, sometimes different languages with Haskell
> syntax and Haskell-like features like Elm and recent language with row
> polymorphic records -- I don't remember it's name) languages. What I'm
> wondering is that js_of_ocaml project looks like solving all problems
> we have. It's supports 100% of OCaml(it translates OCaml bytecode),
> and OCaml is arguably better than all languages we invented(awesome
> module system, records, strict by default, all OCaml libraries(except
> FFI ones) work, like functional data structures, parser generators
> etc.)
> (I'm assuming we won't have JS backend for GHC anytime soon)
> So in short, I don't understand why use Haskell like compile-to-js
> languages instead of js_of_ocaml (other than learning purposes -- JS
> may be a nice high-level target language to practice writing compilers
> etc.)
> Please note that I'm not using any compile-to-js languages in my work,
> so I may not be able to make a fair comparison, but to me all other
> compile-to-js langauges look worse after seeing js_of_ocaml. Of
> course, if I had a JS backend for GHC(which would mean compiling
> Haskell to JS with all extensions) it would be best solution, but for
> now I think js_of_ocaml is superior to all other solutions.
> I'm wondering your opinions about this.
> Thanks,
> ---
> Ömer Sinan Ağacan
> http://osa1.net
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