[Haskell-cafe] parsing a CSV file
Roger Mason
rmason at mun.ca
Tue May 21 16:52:53 CEST 2013
I'm attempting to write a parser for files that look like this:
Bruker Nano GmbH Berlin, Germany
Esprit 1.9
Date: 02/05/2013 10:06:49 AM
Real time: 15000
Energy Counts
-0.474 0
The line before the ellipsis is repeated many times (such lines
represents a spectrum). I need to be able to extract numbers from lines
containing <string: > and I want to extract the number pairs following
"Energy Counts\n". The extracted data will then be written to a file in
a different format. For now I'll be satisfied with reading the "header"
info, i.e. down to "Energy Counts\n".
Thus far, I have:
-- derived from RWH
-- file: ch16/csv2.hs
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
headerLines = endBy csvFile endHeader
csvFile = endBy line eol
line = sepBy cell (char ',')
cell = many (noneOf ",\n")
eol = char '\n'
parseCSV :: String -> Either ParseError [[String]]
parseCSV input = parse csvFile "(unknown)" input
parseHDR :: String -> Either ParseError [[String]]
parseHDR input = parse headerLines "(unknown)" input
endHeader = string "Energy Counts"
This loads into GHCi (7.6.2) OK. However, when I test it:
parseHDR "Bruker Nano GmbH Berlin, Germany\nEsprit 1.9\n\nDate:
02/05/2013 10:06:49 AM\nReal time: 15000\nEnergy Counts"
Not in scope: `parseHDR'
which makes sense because
ghci> :t endHeader
<interactive>:1:1: Not in scope: `endHeader'
Clearly, my naiive implementation of endHeader is no good.
I appreciate any pointers.
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