[Haskell-cafe] Categories (cont.)
Conal Elliott
conal at conal.net
Wed May 8 18:14:09 CEST 2013
Hi Wren,
Have you taken this "constrained categories" experiment further,
particularly for adding products? As I mentioned in a haskell-cafe note
yesterday, I tried and got a frightening proliferation of constraints when
defining method defaults and utility functions (e.g., left- or
-- Conal
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 8:59 PM, wren ng thornton <wren at freegeek.org> wrote:
> On 12/21/12 2:35 PM, Chris Smith wrote:
>> It would definitely be nice to be able to work with a partial Category
>> class, where for example the objects could be constrained to belong to a
>> class. One could then restrict a Category to a type level representation
>> of the natural numbers or any other desired set. Kind polymorphism should
>> make this easy to define, but I still don't have a good feel for whether
>> it
>> is worth the complexity.
> Actually, what you really want is ConstraintKinds. The following works
> just fine in GHC 7.6.1:
> {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures
> , ConstraintKinds
> , PolyKinds
> , TypeFamilies
> , MultiParamTypeClasses
> , FunctionalDependencies
> , FlexibleInstances
> , FlexibleContexts
> #-}
> class Category (c :: k -> k -> *) where
> -- | The kind of domain objects.
> type DomC c x :: Constraint
> -- | The kind of codomain objects.
> type CodC c x :: Constraint
> -- | The identity morphisms.
> id :: (ObjC c x) => c x x
> -- | Composition of morphisms.
> (.) :: (DomC c x, ObjC c y, CodC c z) => c y z -> c x y -> c x z
> -- | An alias for objects in the centre of a category.
> type ObjC c x = (Category c, DomC c x, CodC c x)
> -- | An alias for a pair of objects which could be connected by a
> -- @c at -morphism.
> type HomC c x y = (Category c, DomC c x, CodC c y)
> Notably, we distinguish domain objects from codomain objects in order to
> allow morphisms "into" or "out of" the category, which is indeed helpful in
> practice.
> Whether there's actually any good reason for distinguishing DomC and CodC,
> per se, remains to be seen. In Conal Elliott's variation[1] he moves HomC
> into the class and gets rid of DomC and CodC. Which allows constraints that
> operate jointly on both the domain and codomain, whereas the above version
> does not. I haven't run into the need for that yet, but I could easily
> imagine it. It does add a bit of complication though since we can no longer
> have ObjC be a derived thing; it'd have to move into the class as well, and
> we'd have to somehow ensure that it's coherent with HomC.
> The above version uses PolyKinds as well as ConstraintKinds. I haven't
> needed this myself, since the constraints act as a sort of kind for the
> types I'm interested in, but it'll definitely be useful if you get into
> data kinds, or want an instance of functor categories, etc.
> [1] <https://github.com/conal/**linear-map-gadt/blob/master/**
> src/Control/ConstraintKinds/**Category.hs<https://github.com/conal/linear-map-gadt/blob/master/src/Control/ConstraintKinds/Category.hs>
> >
> --
> Live well,
> ~wren
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