[Haskell-cafe] my take at knucleotide

Branimir Maksimovic bmaxa at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 26 16:51:31 CET 2013

Finally, I have made it ;)Trick was in more threads . For some reason if I run 64 (sweet spot) threads program runsfaster both with -threaded and without ;)Other trick is that I don't convert to uppercase (shaves second) rather pack nucleotidein 64 bit int.Program runs 30% faster multithreaded (scales better) than current entry, and consumes 50% less memory,and is shorter.If someone can see some improvement please post, otherwise I will contribute this program.

{-# Language BangPatterns #-}---- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game-- http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/---- Contributed by Branimir Maksimovic--import Data.Bitsimport Data.Charimport Data.Intimport Data.Listimport Data.IORefimport Data.Array.Unboxedimport Data.Array.Baseimport qualified Data.HashTable.IO as Himport Data.Hashableimport qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Simport Control.Concurrentimport Text.Printf
main = do    s <- S.getContents    let        (_,subs) = S.breakSubstring (S.pack ">THREE") s        content = (S.filter ((/=) '\n') .                    S.dropWhile ((/=) '\n')) subs     mapM_ (execute content) actions
                    data Actions = I Int | S Stringactions = [I 1,I 2,           S "GGT",S "GGTA",S "GGTATT",S "GGTATTTTAATT",S "GGTATTTTAATTTATAGT"]execute content (I i) = writeFrequencies content iexecute content (S s) = writeCount content s
writeFrequencies :: S.ByteString -> Int -> IO ()writeFrequencies input size = do    ht <- tcalculate input size    lst <- H.foldM (\lst (k,v)->do         v' <- readIORef v        return $ insertBy (\(_,x) (_,y)->y `compare` x) (k,v') lst) [] ht    let sum = fromIntegral ((S.length input) + 1 - size)    mapM_ (\(k,v)-> do        printf "%s %.3f\n"             (toString k) ((100 * (fromIntegral v)/sum)::Double)) lst    putChar '\n'
writeCount :: S.ByteString -> String -> IO ()writeCount input string = do    let size = length string    ht <- tcalculate input size    let k = T (toNum (S.pack string) 0 size) size    res <- H.lookup ht k    case res of         Nothing -> putStrLn $ string ++ " not found..."        Just v -> do            r <- readIORef v            printf "%d\t%s\n" r string
tcalculate :: S.ByteString -> Int -> IO HMtcalculate input size = do    let         l = [0..63]        actions = map (\i -> (calculate input i size (length l))) l    vars <- mapM (\action -> do                    var <- newEmptyMVar                    forkIO $ do                        answer <- action                        putMVar var answer                    return var) actions    result <- newTable :: IO HM    results <- mapM takeMVar vars    mapM_ (\ht -> H.foldM (\lst (k,v) -> do                             res <- H.lookup lst k                            case res of                                Nothing -> do                                    r1 <- readIORef v                                    r2 <- newIORef r1                                    H.insert lst k r2                                Just v1 -> do                                    r1 <- readIORef v1                                    r2 <- readIORef v                                    writeIORef v1 (r1+r2)                            return lst) result ht) results    return result
calculate :: S.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO HM    calculate input beg size incr = do    !ht <- newTable :: IO HM    let        calculate' i          | i >= ((S.length input)+1 - size) = return ht         | otherwise = do            res <- H.lookup ht k            case res of                Nothing -> do                    !r <- newIORef 1                    H.insert ht k r                Just v -> do                    !r <- readIORef v                    writeIORef v (r+1)            calculate' (i+incr)                where k = T (toNum input i size) size    calculate' beg
toNum :: S.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> Int64toNum s beg size = toNum' 0 size    where        toNum' v 0 = v        toNum' v i = toNum' ((v `shiftL` 2) .|.                     (toNumA `unsafeAt` (ord (S.index s (beg+i-1))))) (i-1)
toString :: T -> StringtoString (T v s) = toString' v s    where        toString' v 0 = []        toString' v i = case v.&.3 of                        0 -> 'A'                        1 -> 'C'                        2 -> 'T'                        3 -> 'G'                      : toString' (v `shiftR` 2) (i-1)
toNumA :: UArray Int Int64toNumA = array (0,255) [(ord 'a',0),(ord 'c',1),(ord 't',2),(ord 'g',3),            (ord 'A',0),(ord 'C',1),(ord 'T',2),(ord 'G',3)]
data T = T !Int64 !Intinstance Eq T where    (T a _) == (T b _) = a == binstance Hashable T where    hashWithSalt _ (T a _) = fromIntegral a
type HM = H.BasicHashTable T (IORef Int)newTable = H.new

Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2013 20:12:57 +0100
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] my take at knucleotide
From: greg at gregorycollins.net
To: bmaxa at hotmail.com
CC: haskell-cafe at haskell.org

What happens to performance if you compile and link with "cabal install --constraint='hashable < 1.2'" ?


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