[Haskell-cafe] Pattern matching with singletons
Paul Brauner
polux2001 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 19:02:10 CET 2013
the following programs seems to hit either some limitation of GHC or maybe
I'm just missing something and it behaves the intended way.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, DataKinds, GADTs #-}
module Test where
import Data.Singletons
data TA = CA
data TB = CB
data TC = CC (Either TA TB)
$(genSingletons [''TA, ''TB, ''TC])
type family Output (x :: TC) :: *
type instance Output ('CC ('Left 'CA)) = Int
type instance Output ('CC ('Right 'CB)) = String
f :: Sing (a :: TC) -> Output a
f (SCC (SLeft SCA)) = 1
g :: Sing (a :: TC) -> Output a
g (SCC (SLeft _)) = 1
Function f typechecks as expected. Function g fails to typecheck with the
following error.
Could not deduce (Num (Output ('CC ('Left TA TB n0))))
arising from the literal `1'
from the context (a ~ 'CC n, SingRep (Either TA TB) n)
bound by a pattern with constructor
SCC :: forall (a_a37R :: TC) (n_a37S :: Either TA TB).
(a_a37R ~ 'CC n_a37S, SingRep (Either TA TB)
n_a37S) =>
Sing (Either TA TB) n_a37S -> Sing TC a_a37R,
in an equation for `g'
at Test.hs:21:4-16
or from (n ~ 'Left TA TB n0,
SingRep TA n0,
SingKind TA ('KindParam TA))
bound by a pattern with constructor
SLeft :: forall (a0 :: BOX)
(b0 :: BOX)
(a1 :: Either a0 b0)
(n0 :: a0).
(a1 ~ 'Left a0 b0 n0, SingRep a0 n0,
SingKind a0 ('KindParam a0)) =>
Sing a0 n0 -> Sing (Either a0 b0) a1,
in an equation for `g'
at Test.hs:21:9-15
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Num (Output ('CC ('Left TA TB n0))))
In the expression: 1
In an equation for `g': g (SCC (SLeft _)) = 1
I would expect that a ~ ('CC ('Left 'CA)) in the right hand-side of g (SCC
(SLeft _)) = 1 since SLeft's argument is necessarily of type STA, whose
sole inhabitant is SA.
Now I understand (looking at -ddump-slices, the singletons' library paper
and the error message) that the definition of SCC and SLeft
don't immediately imply what I just wrote above. So my question is: in the
right hand-side of g (SCC (SLeft _)) = 1,
- is a ~ ('CC ('Left 'CA)) a consequence of the definitions of SCC,
SLeft, ... (in which case GHC could infer it but for some reason can't)
- or are these pattern + definitions not sufficient to prove that a
~ ('CC ('Left 'CA)) no matter what?
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