[Haskell-cafe] Parsec community and up-to-date documentation

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Mon Mar 25 07:49:00 CET 2013

* Konstantine Rybnikov <k-bx at k-bx.com> [2013-03-25 00:19:04+0200]
> Hi!
> I've been busy with (trying to) learning/using parsec lately and as a
> beginner had a lot of headache starting from outdated documentation in
> various places, lack of more tutorials, confusion between Text.Parsec and
> Text.ParseCombinator modules and so on.
> While I solved most of my problems via googling / reading stackoverflow /
> reading source code (of outdated version first, btw, the one I got from
> Daan's homepage :), I still had a feeling all the time that I'm doing
> something wrong and that I can't find place where "party is going on".
> So I wondered, what can I do to create a community around Parsec, to get
> issue tracking, pull-requests, up-to-date comprehensive documentation and
> tutorials etc.? Parsec seems like a perfect candidate for something like
> this.

A couple of years ago I decided to do pretty much this — create
up-to-date comprehensive documentation for Parsec. Unfortunately, the
project turned out too ambitious for me at the time. The only part of it
that I've finished is published as this SO answer: 

Of course, SO answers are not a substitute for good documentation, but
they are a good way to start, and you can later merge those answers into
something more coherent. So this is one way you approach it — just
publish the knowledge you've acquired as self-answered questions on SO.


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