[Haskell-cafe] Lazy object deserialization
Jeff Shaw
shawjef3 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 22:34:04 CET 2013
On 3/13/2013 12:15 AM, Scott Lawrence wrote:
> Hey all,
> All the object serialization/deserialization libraries I could find
> (pretty much just binary and cereal) seem to be strict with respect to
> the actual data being serialized. In particular, if I've serialized a
> large [Int] to a file, and I want to get the first element, it seems I
> have no choice but to deserialize the entire data structure. This is
> obviously an issue for large data sets.
> There are obvious workarounds (explicitly fetch elements from the
> "database" instead of relying on unsafeInterleaveIO to deal with it
> all magically), but it seems like it should be possible to build a
> cereal-like library that allows proper lazy deserialization. Does it
> exist, and I've just missed it?
> Thanks,
I haven't tested this, but I suspect something like this could give you
lazy binary serialization and deserialization. It's not tail recursive,
newtype LazyBinaryList a = LazyBinaryList [a]
instance Binary a => LazyBinaryList a where
put (LazyBinaryList []) = putWord8 0
put (LazyBinaryList (x:xs)) = putWord8 1 >> put x >> put
(LazyBinaryList xs)
get = do
t <- getWord8
case t of
0 -> return (LazyBinaryList [])
1 -> do
x <- get
(LazyBinaryList xs) <- get
return $ LazyBinaryList (x:xs)
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