[Haskell-cafe] monadic DSL for compile-time parser generator, not possible?
Josef Svenningsson
josef.svenningsson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 11:58:08 CET 2013
The problem you're trying to solve might seem tricky but it is in fact
quite solvable. In Feldspar[1] we use monads quite frequently and generate
code from them, in a similar fashion to what you're trying to do. We've
written a paper about how we do it[2] that I welcome you to read. If you
have any questions regarding the paper I'd be happy to try to answer them.
There are two parts to the trick. One is to use the continuation monad to
get a monad instance. The other trick is to restrict any functions you have
in your data type (like FMap in your example) so that they can be reified
into something that can be compiled, which would be Template Haskell in
your case.
To help you along the way I've prepared some code to give you an idea of
how this can be done. This code only shows the continuation monad trick but
I hope it's useful nonetheless.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module MonadReify where
newtype Cont r a = C { unC :: (a -> r) -> r }
instance Monad (Cont r) where
return a = C $ \k -> k a
m >>= f = C $ \k -> unC m (\a -> unC (f a) k)
data ParserSpec a where
AnyChar :: ParserSpec Char
Return :: a -> ParserSpec a
Join :: ParserSpec (ParserSpec a) -> ParserSpec a
FMap :: (a -> b) -> ParserSpec a -> ParserSpec b
bindSpec p f = Join (FMap f p)
newtype Parser a = P { unP :: forall r. Cont (ParserSpec r) a }
instance Monad Parser where
return a = P (return a)
m >>= f = P (unP m >>= \a -> unP (f a))
anyChar :: Parser Char
anyChar = P (C $ \k -> bindSpec AnyChar k)
reifyParser :: Parser a -> (forall r. ParserSpec r -> b) -> b
reifyParser (P (C f)) g = g (f (\a -> Return a))
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 9:06 PM, Jeremy Shaw <jeremy at n-heptane.com> wrote:
> It would be pretty damn cool if you could create a data type for
> generically describing a monadic parser, and then use template haskell
> to generate a concrete parser from that data type. That would allow
> you to create your specification in a generic way and then target
> different parsers like parsec, attoparsec, etc. There is some code
> coming up in a few paragraphs that should describe this idea more
> clearly.
> I would like to suggest that while it would be cool, it is
> impossible. As proof, I will attempt to create a simple monadic parser
> that has only one combinator:
> anyChar :: ParserSpec Char
> We need the GADTs extension and some imports:
> > {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TemplateHaskell #-}
> > import Control.Monad (join)
> > import qualified Text.Parsec.Char as P
> > import Language.Haskell.TH (ExpQ, appE)
> > import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift(lift))
> > import Text.Parsec (parseTest)
> > import qualified Text.Parsec.Char as P
> > import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
> Next we define a type that has a constructor for each of the different
> combinators we want to support, plus constructors for the functor and
> monad methods:
> > data ParserSpec a where
> > AnyChar :: ParserSpec Char
> > Return :: a -> ParserSpec a
> > Join :: ParserSpec (ParserSpec a) -> ParserSpec a
> > FMap :: (a -> b) -> ParserSpec a -> ParserSpec b
> >
> > instance Lift (ParserSpec a) where
> > lift _ = error "not defined because we are screwed later anyway."
> In theory, we would extend that type with things like `Many`, `Some`,
> `Choice`, etc.
> In Haskell, we are used to seeing a `Monad` defined in terms of
> `return` and `>>=`. But, we can also define a monad in terms of
> `fmap`, `return` and `join`. We will do that in `ParserSpec`, because
> it makes the fatal flaw more obvious.
> Now we can define the `Functor` and `Monad` instances:
> > instance Functor ParserSpec where
> > fmap f p = FMap f p
> > instance Monad ParserSpec where
> > return a = Return a
> > m >>= f = Join ((FMap f) m)
> and the `anyChar` combinator:
> > anyChar :: ParserSpec Char
> > anyChar = AnyChar
> And now we can define a simple parser that parses two characters and
> returns them:
> > charPair :: ParserSpec (Char, Char)
> > charPair =
> > do a <- anyChar
> > b <- anyChar
> > return (a, b)
> Now, we just need to define a template haskell function that generates
> a `Parser` from a `ParserSpec`:
> > genParsec :: (Lift a) => ParserSpec a -> ExpQ
> > genParsec AnyChar = [| anyChar |]
> > genParsec (Return a) = [| return a |]
> > genParsec (Join p) = genParsec p
> > -- genParsec (FMap f p) = appE [| f |] (genParsec p) -- uh-oh
> Looking at the `FMap` case we see the fatal flaw. In order to
> generate the parser we would need some way to transform any arbitrary
> Haskell function of type `a -> b` into Template Haskell. Obviously,
> that is impossible (for some definition of obvious).
> Therefore, we can assume that it is not possible to use Template
> Haskell to generate a monadic parser from a monadic specification.
> We can also assume that `Applicative` is not available either. Seems
> likely that `Category` based parsers would also be out.
> Now, we can, of course, do the transformation at runtime:
> > interpretParsec :: ParserSpec a -> Parser a
> > interpretParsec AnyChar = P.anyChar
> > interpretParsec (Return a) = return a
> > interpretParsec (FMap f a) = fmap f (interpretParsec a)
> > interpretParsec (Join mm) = join (fmap interpretParsec (interpretParsec
> mm))
> > test = parseTest (interpretParsec charPair) "ab"
> My fear is that doing that will result in added runtime overhead. One
> reason for wanting to create a compile-time parser generator is to have
> the opportunity to generate very fast parsing code. It seems like here
> we can only be slower than the parser we are targeting? Though..
> perhaps not? Perhaps the parser returned by `interpretParsec` has all
> the interpret stuff removed and is as fast as if we have constructed
> it by hand? I don't have an intuitive feel for it.. I guess criterion
> would know..
> Any thoughts?
> - jeremy
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