[Haskell-cafe] simple parsec question

Carlo Hamalainen carlo.hamalainen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 02:18:50 CET 2013

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 1:44 AM, Immanuel Normann <
immanuel.normann at googlemail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to parse a semi structured text with parsec that basically
> should identify sections. Each section starts with a headline and has an
> unstructured content - that's all.

Here's my attempt: https://gist.github.com/carlohamalainen/5087207

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

import Text.Parsec
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>),many)

-- Example input:

top 1:

some text ... bla

top 2:

more text ... bla bla


data Top = Top String deriving (Show)
data Content = Content [String] deriving (Show)
data Section = Section Top Content deriving (Show)

headline = do
    t <- many1 (noneOf ":\n")
    char ':'

    return $ Top t

contentLine = do
    x <- many (noneOf ":\n")
    return x

content = do
    line <- optionMaybe (try contentLine)

    case line of Just x -> do xs <- content
                              return (x:xs)
                 _      -> return []

section = do
    h <- headline
    c <- Content <$> content
    return $ Section h c

main = do
    x <- readFile "simple.txt"
    print $ parse (many section) "" x

Example run using your sample data:

$ runhaskell Simple.hs
Right [Section (Top "top 1") (Content ["","some text ... bla",""]),Section
(Top "top 2") (Content ["","more text ... bla bla",""])]


* I had to assume that a content line does not contain a ':', because that
is the only way to distinguish a head-line (correct me if I'm wrong).

* The key was to use optionMaybe along with try; see the definition of

* I haven't tested this code on very large inputs.

* I slightly changed the definition of Content to have a list of Strings,
one for each line. I'm sure this could be altered if you wanted to retain
all whitespace.

* I am still new to Parsec, so don't take this as the definitive answer ;-)

Carlo Hamalainen
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