[Haskell-cafe] Simple way to do something like ArrowChoice.right on a Conduit? (version 1.0.0)
Joey Adams
joeyadams3.14159 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 04:24:02 CET 2013
Thanks for the response. I spent some time thinking about leftovers and
understand the Category issue now. Thanks for clearing that up.
While trying to work conduits into a program I'm working on, I find myself
wanting something more powerful: a resumable Conduit.
For example, consider receiving a stream of messages over a network:
data Message = Data ByteString | CompressedData ByteString |
When CompressedData is received, feed the bytes to a decompressor conduit.
When RestartCompressor is received, close the first decompressor conduit
and fire up a new one.
Supporting restarts needs more than just Conduit i m o -> Conduit (Either x
i) m (Either x o). It involves opening and closing a conduit within
another conduit's operations.
Here's a possible API for a resumable Conduit:
newtype ResumableConduit i m o = -- hidden --
newResumableConduit :: Monad m => Conduit i m o -> ResumableConduit i m
-- | Feed the 'Source' through the conduit, and send any output from the
-- conduit to the 'Sink'. When the 'Sink' returns, close the 'Source',
-- leave the 'ResumableConduit' open so more data can be passed through
:: Monad m
=> ResumableConduit i m o
-> Source m i
-> Sink o m r
-> m (ResumableConduit i m o, r)
-- | Tell the conduit there is no more input available, and send the
-- output (if any) to the 'Sink'.
:: Monad m
=> ResumableConduit i m o
-> Sink o m r
-> m r
Does anyone want to comment on this interface?
Perhaps conduit could have a module called "Data.Conduit.Resumable" that
contains ResumableSource, ResumableConduit, and ResumableSink. The
conduit-resumablesink package by Andrew Miller [1] implements
ResumableSink; it just needs to be updated for conduit 1.0.
[1]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/conduit-resumablesink
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