[Haskell-cafe] Simple way to do something like ArrowChoice.right on a Conduit? (version 1.0.0)

Joey Adams joeyadams3.14159 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 03:18:36 CET 2013

Can I transform a conduit so some values are passed through unchanged, but
others go through the conduit?  For example:

    right :: Conduit i m o -> Conduit (Either x i) m (Either x o)

This is named after the Control.Arrow combinator of the same name:

    right :: ArrowChoice a => a b c -> a (Either d b) (Either d c)

Here's my use case (simplified): I want to compress data with zlib-conduit,
which provides:

    compress :: Conduit (Flush ByteString) m (Flush ByteString)

The Flush<http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/conduit/latest/doc/html/Data-Conduit.html#t:Flush>wrapper
lets me flush the compressor so it will yield cached data right
away (though hurting compression a little).

But before compressing the data, I want to encode it, using this conduit:

    encode :: Conduit Entry m ByteString

I want to combine these, so that if I send a 'Flush', it bypasses 'encode'
and feeds to 'compress':

    compressEncode :: Conduit (Flush Entry) m (Flush ByteString)

Thus, I need a variant of 'encode' that passes 'Flush' along:

    encode' :: Conduit (Flush Entry) m (Flush ByteString)

In my actual program, I don't use Flush, so providing a Conduit combinator
just for Flush would not help me.

Is something like 'right' possible to implement with Conduit's public API?
Here's an implementation using Data.Conduit.Internal (untested):

    import Control.Monad (liftM)
    import Data.Conduit.Internal (Pipe(..), ConduitM(..), Conduit)

    right :: Monad m => Conduit i m o -> Conduit (Either x i) m (Either x o)
    right = ConduitM . rightPipe . unConduitM

    rightPipe :: Monad m
              => Pipe i i o () m ()
              -> Pipe (Either x i) (Either x i) (Either x o) () m ()
    rightPipe p0 = case p0 of
        HaveOutput p c o  -> HaveOutput (rightPipe p) c (Right o)
        NeedInput p c     -> NeedInput p' (rightPipe . c)
          where p' (Left x)  = HaveOutput (rightPipe p0) (return ()) (Left
                p' (Right i) = rightPipe $ p i
        Done r            -> Done r
        PipeM mp          -> PipeM $ liftM rightPipe mp
        Leftover p i      -> Leftover (rightPipe p) (Right i)

I'm wondering if we could have a Data.Conduit.Arrow module, which provides
a newtype variant of Conduit that implements Arrow, ArrowChoice, etc.:

    import qualified Data.Conduit as C

    newtype Conduit m i o = Conduit (C.Conduit i m o)

    -- May need Monad constraints for these
    instance Category (Conduit m)
    instance Arrow (Conduit m)
    instance ArrowChoice (Conduit m)

Does 'Conduit' follow Category, Monad, MonadTrans laws* these days?  I'm
not talking about Pipe in general, just the special case of it represented
by the 'Conduit' type alias:

    Conduit i m o = ConduitM i o m () = Pipe i i o () m ()

Or are there some thorny issues (e.g. leftovers) that make following these
laws impossible in some cases?

Thanks for the input,

 * Assume functions that use Data.Conduit.Internal do so correctly.
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