[Haskell-cafe] Proposal: Non-recursive let
Andreas Abel
andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
Fri Jul 26 18:44:47 CEST 2013
On 25.07.2013 09:09, oleg at okmij.org wrote:
> Here is a snippet from a real code that could benefit from
> non-recursive let. The example is notable because it incrementally
> constructs not one but two structures (both maps), ast and headers.
> The maps are constructed in a bit interleaved fashion, and stuffing
> them into the same State would be ungainly. In my real code
> -- Add an update record to a buffer file
> do_update :: String -> Handle -> Parsed -> [Parsed] -> IO ()
> do_update "TAF" h ast asts@(_:_) = do
> rv <- reflect $ get_trange "TRange" ast
> headers0 <- return . M.fromList =<< sequence
> (map (\ (n,fld) -> reflect (fld ast) >>= \v -> return (n,v))
> fields_header)
This is a mouth-full. The ">>= \v -> return (n,v)" can be more
elegantly expressed with tuple section
(map (\ (n,fld) -> (n,) <$> reflect (fld ast)) fields_header)
Maybe even use
mapSnd f = (id *** f)
and write
(map (mapSnd $ \ fld -> reflect (fld ast)) fields_header)
and, getting into lambda-killing rush :-)
(map (mapSnd $ reflect . ($ ast)) fields_header)
(ok, now we overdid it).
Also, was not mapM = sequence . map ?
And return . f =<< m the same as f <$> m? Then we are at
headers0 <- M.fromList <$> do
mapM (\ (n,fld) -> (n,) <$> reflect (fld ast)) fields_header
Actually, I prefer for-loops:
headers0 <- M.fromList <$> do
forM fields_header $ \ (n, fld) -> do
(n,) <$> reflect $ fld ast
Great satisfaction! I killed all long-ranging parentheses! ;-)
-- Andreas
> let headers = M.insert "_report_ranges" (format_two_tstamps rv) headers0
> foldM write_period (rv,headers,(snd rv,snd rv)) asts
> return ()
> where
> write_period (rv,headers,mv) ast = do
> pv@(p_valid_from,p_valid_until) <- reflect $ get_trange "TRange" ast
> check_inside pv rv
> let prevailing = M.lookup "PREVAILING" ast
> (mv,pv) <- case prevailing of
> Just _ -> return (pv,pv) -- set the major valid period
> -- Make sure each VAR period occurs later than the prevailing
> -- period. If exactly at the same time add 1 min
> Nothing -> case () of
> _ | fst mv < p_valid_from -> return (mv,pv)
> _ | fst mv == p_valid_from -> return (mv,(p_valid_from + 60,
> p_valid_until))
> _ -> gthrow . InvalidData . unwords $ [
> "VAR period begins before prevailing:",
> show ast, "; prevailing TRange", show mv]
> let token = maybe (M.findWithDefault "" "VAR" ast) id prevailing
> let ast1 = M.insert "_token" token .
> M.insert "_period_valid" (format_two_tstamps pv) .
> M.unionWith (\_ x -> x) headers $ ast
> let title = M.member "Title" ast
> let headers1 = if title then headers else
> M.delete "_limit_to " . M.delete "_limit_recd" $ headers
> write_fields h ast1 fields
> return (rv,headers1,mv)
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Andreas Abel <>< Du bist der geliebte Mensch.
Theoretical Computer Science, University of Munich
Oettingenstr. 67, D-80538 Munich, GERMANY
andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
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