[Haskell-cafe] Netwire bouncing ball
haskell at justnothing.org
Wed Jul 10 23:15:33 CEST 2013
I'm trying to get a grasp of netwire by implementing a bouncing ball
simulation and I'm failing.
The ball starts from the ground with a given velocity and when hitting
the ground the wire inhibits successfully. Now I'm kinda stuck.
How can I make the ball bounce?
Here is the code:
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Control.Wire
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Concurrent
type Pos = Double
type Vel = Double
type ObjState = (Pos, Vel)
testApp :: Pos -> Vel -> WireP () ObjState
testApp p0 v0 = proc _ -> do
v <- integral_ v0 -< -9.81
p <- integral1_ p0 -< v
when (>= 0) -< p
returnA -< (p, v)
main :: IO ()
main = loop' (testApp 0 30) clockSession
loop' w' session' = do
threadDelay 1000000
(mx, w, session) <- stepSessionP w' session' ()
case mx of
Left ex -> putStrLn ("Inhibited: " ++ show ex)
Right x -> putStrLn ("Produced: " ++ show x)
loop' w session
Thanks in advance!
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