[Haskell-cafe] list comprehansion performance has hug different
wren ng thornton
wren at freegeek.org
Wed Jan 30 06:56:10 CET 2013
On 1/29/13 4:25 AM, Junior White wrote:
> Hi Cafe,
> I have two programs for the same problem "Eight queens problem",
> the link is http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/99_questions/90_to_94.
> My two grograms only has little difference, but the performance, this is
> my solution:
The difference is what's called "dynamic programming" (an utterly
non-intuitive an un-insightful name). When we have the program:
[ f x xs | xs <- g, x <- h ]
we're saying, first get me a partial solution (xs), and then try every
possible way of extending that to a larger solution (x). It should be
obvious from this description that the computation of each partial
solution xs will be shared among all candidates x, but that the
computation of x will not be shared between each xs.
On the other hand, when we have the program:
[ f x xs | x <- h, xs <- g ]
we're saying, first get me all ways to start a solution (x), and then
try to solve the rest of the problem (xs). It should be obvious from
this description that the computation of each x will be shared, but the
computation of each xs will not.
Imperatively, this is exactly the same distinction as between the
following programs:
for xs in g:
for x in h:
yield f(x,xs)
for x in h:
for xs in g:
yield f(x,xs)
This difference in sharing can, as you've seen, cause huge differences
in runtime. Usually it's the difference between a polytime algorithm and
some exptime algorithm. To see why, just think about the call graph. It
may be more helpful here to think about something like Fibbonaci
numbers. In the memoizing version, you're storing the work from solving
smaller problems and sharing that among the different ways of extending
the solution; whereas in the naive version, you're recomputing the same
thing over and over. The call graph for the former is a DAG (or more
generally, a packed forest) whereas the call graph for the latter is the
tree you get by unfurling all the shared structure in the DAG.
This distinction has nothing whatsoever to do with Haskell, and has
everything to do with Intro Algorithms. Loop ordering matters in every
language with loops, from Haskell to C to Python to Prolog.
Live well,
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