[Haskell-cafe] How to escape from typecheck error: Duplicate instance declarations ?
s9gf4ult at gmail.com
s9gf4ult at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 21:18:02 CET 2013
Hello, haskellers. I am trying to write some generic subtyping issue. Here
upcast is always safe operation because of subtype is always behaves like the
parrent type. downcast is not the safe becase of not every parrent type value
can be converted to children type. Rangeable here is the typeclass of values
in some range, so downcasting to Rang1 or Range2 or any other type, having
instance for Rangeable can be done by checking if value is in proper range.
The same for MultipleTo, downcasting can be done with checking if value is
multiple to some value.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies,
FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances,
IncoherentInstances #-}
class SubtypeOf a b | a -> b where
upcast :: a -> b
downcastSafe :: b -> Maybe a
downcast :: b -> a
downcast b = case downcastSafe b of
Nothing -> error $ "can not downcast the value"
Just a -> a
class (Ord a) => Rangable t a | t -> a where
lowLim :: t -> a
highLim :: t -> a
class Packable t a | t -> a where
pack :: a -> t
unpack :: t -> a
class MultipleTo t a | t -> a where
multiple :: t -> a
instance (Num a, Ord a, Rangable range a, Packable range a) => SubtypeOf range
a where
upcast = unpack
downcastSafe b | b >= (lowLim $ pb) && b <= (highLim $ pb) = Just $ pb
| otherwise = Nothing
pb = pack b
instance (Integral a, Packable range a, MultipleTo range a) => SubtypeOf range
a where
upcast = unpack
downcastSafe b | b `mod` (multiple pb) == 0 = Just pb
| otherwise = Nothing
pb = pack b
newtype Range1 a = Range1 {unRange1 :: a}
deriving Show
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Rangable (Range1 a) a where
lowLim _ = 0
highLim _ = 10
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Packable (Range1 a) a where
pack = Range1
unpack = unRange1
newtype Range2 a = Range2 {unRange2 :: a}
deriving Show
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Rangable (Range2 a) a where
lowLim _ = -10
highLim _ = 200
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Packable (Range2 a) a where
pack = Range2
unpack = unRange2
but there is compilation error:
Duplicate instance declarations:
instance [incoherent] (Num a, Ord a, Rangable range a,
Packable range a) =>
SubtypeOf range a
-- Defined at ...:22:10
instance [incoherent] (Integral a, Packable range a,
MultipleTo range a) =>
SubtypeOf range a
-- Defined at ...:29:10
Failed, modules loaded: none.
If I remove one of instances of SubtypeOf the program is compiling. How to
write this instances properly, or to write proper type casting ?
PS. My english is not very good, but I hope this is understandable.
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