[Haskell-cafe] Permanent Academic Positions (Computational Logic/Functional Programming) in Dundee Deadline 23 January

Ekaterina Komendantskaya katya at computing.dundee.ac.uk
Fri Jan 11 12:12:26 CET 2013

            ******     Dundee Fellowships   ******

University of Dundee announces several permanent positions, with a
 5-year starting period of a Research Fellowship.
One of the named priority areas is Computational Logic/ Functional
Programming / Verification.

  For more details, see below or email me:
Katya Komendantskaya <katya at computing.dundee.ac.uk>

                       School of Computing
                       University of Dundee
                         Dundee Fellowship
                        Permanent position

              Closing Date for applications: Wednesday 23 January 2013.

University of Dundee  is advertising a series of permanent academic jobs
across the College of Arts & Science and Engineering, named Dundee Fellows.
The aim is to bring in a series of excellent academics onto permanent contracts
(subject to the completion of 3 year probation) into any research area
within the
College.  These staff will be labelled as Dundee Fellows during their
first 5 years,
over which time they will receive enhanced staff development and a
research focus
to their duties, while automatically moving to a regular academic
contract (lecturer,
senior lecturer, reader or professor) at the end of these 5 years.
These will be independent researchers (and not postdocs under supervision).
Their teaching load will start low, and will gradually increase over
the first 5 years,
to phase them into teaching.

As the University of Dundee moves towards its 25 year vision of becoming
Scotland’s leading University, we are actively investing in the next generation
of our academic community.  Our Dundee Fellows scheme offers exciting
opportunities to outstanding, high potential, early career researchers of any
age to establish themselves at the University of Dundee and develop towards
making a full and excellent contribution to research, teaching and leadership
in their chosen field.

Full details are available here: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/dundeefellows/


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