[Haskell-cafe] performance question

wren ng thornton wren at freegeek.org
Fri Feb 15 00:07:02 CET 2013

On 2/13/13 11:18 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:
> On 2/13/13 11:32 AM, Nicolas Bock wrote:
>> Since I have very little experience with Haskell and am not used to
>> Haskell-think yet, I don't quite understand your statement that
>> regexes are
>> seen as foreign to Haskell-think. Could you elaborate? What would a more
>> "native" solution look like? From what I have learned so far, it seems to
>> me that Haskell is a lot about clear, concise, and well structured
>> code. I
>> find regexes extremely compact and powerful, allowing for very concise
>> code, which should fit the bill perfectly, or shouldn't it?
> Regexes are powerful and concise for recognizing regular languages. They
> are not, however, very good for *parsing* regular languages; nor can
> they handle non-regular languages (unless you're relying on the badness
> of pcre). In other languages people press regexes into service for
> parsing because the alternative is using an external DSL like lex/yacc,
> javaCC, etc. Whereas, in Haskell, we have powerful and concise tools for
> parsing context-free languages and beyond (e.g., parsec, attoparsec).

Just to be clear, the problem isn't that proper regexes are only good 
for regular languages (many files have regular syntax afterall). The 
problem is that regexes are only good for recognition. They're an 
excellent tool for deciding whether a given string is "good" or "bad"; 
but they're completely unsuitable for the task of parsing/interpreting a 
string into some structure or semantic response. If you've ever used 
tools like yacc or javaCC, one of the crucial things they offer is the 
ability to add these semantic responses. Parser combinator libraries in 
Haskell are similar, since the string processing is integrated into a 
programming language so we can say things like:

     myParser = do
         x <- blah
         guard (p x)
         y <- blargh
         return (f x y)

where p and f can be an arbitrary Haskell functions. Perl extends on 
regular expressions to try and do things like this, but it's extremely 
baroque, hard to get right, and impossible to maintain. (N.B., I was 
raised on Perl and still love it.) And at some point we have to call 
into question the idea of regexes as an embedded DSL when we then turn 
around and try to have Perl be a DSL embedded into the regex language.

One of the big things that makes regexes so nice is that they identify 
crucial combinators like choice and repetition. However, once those 
combinators have been identified, we can just offer them directly as 
functions in the host language. No need for a special DSL or special 
syntax. The big trick is doing this efficiently. Parser combinators were 
an academic curiosity for a long time until Parsec came around and made 
them efficient. And we've come a long way since then: with things like 
attoparsec, PEG parsing, and non-monadic applicative parsers (which can 
perform more optimizations because they can identify the structure of 
the grammar).

The theory of regular expressions is indeed beautiful and elegant. 
However, it's a theory of recognition, not a theory of parsing; and 
that's a crucial distinction. Haskell is about clear, concise, and 
well-structured code; but to be clear, concise, and well-structured we 
have to choose the right tool for the job.

Live well,

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